14 Moonshots to Achieve the SDGs

What is a moonshot?

A moonshot refers to a big, audacious goal that seems impossible until it is done. The term comes from President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 challenge to the United States to send a man to the moon by the end of that decade. The U.S. government agency NASA rose to the occasion and successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon ahead of schedule, in 1969.

Now, we need our U.S. public institutions to deliver again to ensure we achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and climate targets by 2030.

In August 2022, Unlock Aid, in partnership with the Day One Project, held an SDGs Moonshot Accelerator in Mexico City. Over 70 of the world's leading change agents from more than 25 countries convened to explore new ways of solving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Participants shared ways to solve global issues, ranging from climate change, access to clean water, reproductive health, and eliminating global poverty. We asked innovators, “If you had $500 million, how would you spend it?”

What follows is a compilation of "moonshots" – big ideas on how to solve the SDGs within the decade and interviews with the innovators who imagined them.

Each of these 14 moonshots shed light on the ways in which businesses and organizations – in partnership with the world’s largest public institutions – can rapidly accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs and climate targets by 2030. 

The innovators and their moonshots have inspired us. We hope they inspire you.

Unlock Aid is a global coalition of trailblazers changing the status quo of global development worldwide. We advocate for policy reforms to enable world-class innovators to access the funding they need to scale their impact. To learn more about our vision for the future, click here.